Anonymous 02/22/2023 (Wed) 21:41 No.19325 del
>buying things makes you capitalist
here we go again. i’m going to ignore that one because other anons have already btfo that gay bullshit a dozen times here.
she does have women on her flickr, one of her friends with blue hair she had posted on her insta stories once, and there are a handful of other women she’s posted on instagram before too. some screenshots are in older threads and her closest friend was/is a woman named autumn. she doesn’t hate men, otherwise she wouldn’t be friends with them, and she’s never said she does, that’s entirely a projection from you who wants to hate her instead. even when ken wore graphic tees, drew on bushier eyebrows, and had satanic terf bangs, and had a body like a boy, she still had people obsessed with her. how does a woman NOT dress for the male gaze when it’s on her no matter what? she dresses modestly on top of all of that. she can’t want to look nice for herself? it has to be about men and for men to you? why? the only way to escape it would be to either kill herself or live in a hole. and who gives a shit what andrea dworkin would think to begin with, but why do you think she’d hate ken for wearing makeup from time to time? when’s the last time ken even said anything about feminism or makeup or anything at all? fucking years ago.

of all reasons to hate her, these are always the funniest because you clearly want to hate her more than you actually do. the most honest anons itt are always the ones who freely admit they just want to suck on her fingers. meanwhile the jealous trannies like you are fueled by jealousy and seeing yourselves as better, more sincere versions of her, lurking the same twitter circles and reading the same books, all of you equally insufferable and pseudo intellectual but you’ve convinced yourself you’re the one who really gets it, not her. go ahead, namedrop another philosopher to show us how much smarter you are than her. we should all suck your cock instead