Anonymous 02/22/2023 (Wed) 22:12 No.19329 del
>>buying things makes you capitalist
If you hate capitalism, it'd be counterproductive to contribute to it. Buying expensive shit you don't need contributes to it. Therefore, contradiction.
It'd make sense to buy cheap clothes since you still need to wear clothes, but buying expensive brand shit makes you a bourgeoisie, not a fucking communist.
>how does a woman NOT dress for the male gaze when it’s on her no matter what? she dresses modestly
She'd have to dress modestly, which Ken doesn't do.
You've been so brainwashed that you believe the shit she wears to be modest, when in reality it's just mid-level slutty instead of whorehouse slutty.
>she can’t want to look nice for herself?
Women don't dress or attention whore "for themselves". This meme needs to die.
>the only way to escape it would be to either kill herself or live in a hole.
It's funny how 99% of men can live a happy life while being modest with no effort, but for women this somehow seems to be a huge problem. Isn't that odd.
>of all reasons to hate her
I don't hate her, but she's obviously a retarded hypocrite. My interest is not about hating someone, but rather helping them be less retarded. Use of harsh language is not hatred.
>you’ve convinced yourself you’re the one who really gets it
People like communists and feminists have had every single one of their arguments debunked for 10+ years (antifeminist era on youtube\SM in ~2010), if not 50 or 100, and they just keep repeating them. They never learn or adapt, they just repeat the same debunked shit.
Which leads me to believe that the ideology is irrelevant, they just wanna stroke their ego. Hence the hypocrisy.