Anonymous 03/05/2023 (Sun) 22:56 No.19695 del
So does anyone else know about the antichrist, in secret, trying to lure christians out of their homes and keep them homeless at the same time as covid?

And how, given what everyone was randomly changing, it would've been unavoidable?

What's the dirt on Sam?
Trappps homeless.
Orangy suicide.
Lured someone on a flight, stranded them. Admitted to it, and to just doing it to try and ruin their life.

That's not all.
Gotta say this Sam(tm) group has casually constantly joked about murder, rape and robbery. Sam specifically about attacking the homeless. And loves destroying things. And for some reason someone would be interested in investing money in a guy who's latest big hit is deep frying toys and human shit.

Weren't they joking about doing something bad with a company that's like big and known, like toilet paper? Well how about that, and masks? As in, Sam boasting of toilet paper factories being repurposed for masks. Can't just do both right? Probably not pheasible for profit.
Why would someone know about this kind of thing in advance?

Doesn't even the MDE scifi parody speak of covid levels? Made years before.
And another of Sams videos joke about doing evil to infrastructure?

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