Anonymous 05/06/2023 (Sat) 00:32 No.22463 del
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Sorry to bump dead thread, ran across this board and saw this post cause I wanted some nostalgia of /agatha/ and to see if stuff like it was still around. I just want to say some stuff.

There is a 99% chance Franz is fine right now. He was very private, so I don't want to talk about anything he wouldn't have wanted people to know about, but I will say that almost all public information i have seen about him is somewhere between very skewed to false.

If you are on this board reading this it is probably because you orbit some girl. I'm sure you already recognize it, but this is very unhealthy for you, and you should stop. These words probably don't matter to you and you will ignore them, but eventually, you will regret it. Franz had a strong savior complex, felt somewhat responsible for the users of /agatha/ and deleted the board partly because of this. His advice was always good, even if he didn't always follow it himself.

If Franz happens to read this, I hope you are doing well. I feel that I am improving albeit slowly, but I truly could not have gotten to this point without you, so thank you.