Anonymous 07/05/2023 (Wed) 16:11 No.26505 del
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30 something, I don't care about time... just last time I thought I hadn't spoken to a certain person for 1-2 years, but it turns out it was like 5 years

Shouldn't have typed that last night, I was hyper :^3

But yea, she tried to get me into hentai by showing me the pomf one. One of my friends had tried the same previously, so I was aware of the story (there isn't one).


Although I wish people could see my 4chan history, I'm proud of my posts; I created the "I'm a pure-blooded Aryan American" and "Illegal beaners control the media" nonsense.

Going back to my inanities though, here is a short list before coming to the US @ 10 years old:

1) Thought giraffes and elephants married to make a monkey, which became a giraffe or elephant through sexual dimorphism

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