Anonymous 07/09/2023 (Sun) 19:18 No.26998 del
so, ill add my 5 cents to this which may or may not be true, im just going by memory. you guys seem to know a lot more about this shit than me, even tho ive been following marky drama for years. I vaguely remember threads where ppl said that shed guy was also known as 'piano boy' . i always assumed it was the same guy she spoke of on her social media years ago after she moves back fromn brazil. again im just going from memory but i recall she met him in real life somehow, at a music store or thrift shop or something? some place where he was working and she would go to see him on occasion. i vivdly remember she had a few posts like "i saw piano boy again today when i was out with my mom" . does anyone else remember this or am i just imagining shit?