Anonymous 07/11/2023 (Tue) 23:38 No.27302 del
>>go to church
That thing you speak of, is not what "church" means.

"Church" means "those who are your body".

If your dad drives you everywhere, he is like your feet.

And later, if your wife drives you everywhere, she is like your feet (of course, because yal are married).

And it's worth noting here, God is perfect. There is not a hole nor crinkle in Him.

So, why do those people, at that blasphemy of a mutation this world claims means "church", gather on His day of rest? I've heard this has been their norm.

Let's say a random John who has never entered any of those buildings, spends his seventh day, resting. He sleeps for much of it, and truly rests. Heats leftovers maybe. Has a very quiet day just at home.

But elsewhere, many whom have just worked for six days, spend their seventh day not even resting, but waking early to go somewhere for worship. And being busy because of it.

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