Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 14:38 No.31087 del
>But for women it's expected and tolerated.
Not really.
If somebody can't strike a balance betwen being open and being oppressive, then that's not a good relationship to have.
Men tend to close up faster, which is also an issue and I try to get my male friends to open up if I feel they are unsure about it.
I've also had to do the same thing with female friends, though less so. They are often less emotionally stunted and reclusive than men are.

I have never encountered anything like what you described with any of my male or female friends. Sounds more like you're either making shit up or got in contact with some real idiots. In which case, why stick around? There are plenty of entitled people, as you can easily see by police body cam footage for example.

>If you wouldn't do it for a man, don't do it for a woman.
This goes both ways of course, the only exception to a degree is if it's your partner.