Anonymous 10/06/2023 (Fri) 15:15 No.33166 del
These girls had nothing substantial to say. He lied about details of his identity and supposedly pitted them against each other. Kennedi is just dumb and a lot of the "lies" he told her about marky were cleared up because marky lied to her about it once they started talking and the Russian was out of the picture. Marky is a proven liar and never takes responsibility for what she does to people, always blaming others. In ken's defense she had no reason not to believe marky since the Russian did tell some (minor) lies about himself. Finding common ground and being victims of a person neither liked was the more desirable outcome than continuing to hate each other and have ongoing drama. I think since then Ken has been made aware that things didn't happen quite as she was led to believe.

Look at how katelynn's friend came in here blaming his entire leak on the Russian. Maybe that anon is right and he's playing both sides to mess with katelynn and marky for some reason but idk...