Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 21:00 No.34925 del
(211.89 KB 1080x1194 1582921096442.jpg)
Found the pink sweater pic but the black cardigan threw me off.

Her face is wildly different. Yes, the forehead remains, obviously, but the forehead is not what I mean when I say face. I'm talking about her cheeks, lips, nose, jaw. You can see many differences emerge over the years, pre-makeup. Pic related is what she still looks like, completely makeup free and a direct angle but looks totally different from how she did 10 years ago.

You wouldn't, though. Her jaw changed from braces and tooth removal, and she lost most of her facial fat. Keep in mind she was 14 ten years ago, and NO ONE looks how they do at 14. Kaya looks like a completely different person, with her whole face structure changing. Her jaw and chin changes, cheekbones changed, eyes changed, nose changed.