Anonymous 10/18/2023 (Wed) 21:22 No.34928 del
I'm aware she has a weird face, but that's where personal taste comes into play. Attraction isn't maths no matter how much lookism types like you try to make it out to be. It's very personal and never going to be objectively measurable. It's subjective and has many influences. I find far apart eyes and small mouths extremely cute personally, and I think if she parted her bangs as an adult she still wouldn't look bad (to ME) given her facial development.

>Facial proportions are essentially the same.
Highly disagree but too lazy to make a comparison collage in mspaint. Kaya's chin got way bigger and sharper, face overall got larger, she lost literally ALL of her cheek fat and freckles. Her nose is bonier and longer now, not the same snubby pig nose. Cheekbones got higher and her eyes are smaller because of her skull growth.