Anonymous 10/22/2023 (Sun) 01:39 No.35443 del
I like cute girls, and I like talking about cute girls. I find Ken's personality and past fascinating like everyone else ITT but I find myself thinking about her in a way that makes her more like a book character than a human being. I don't know. Seeing everyone post about her like she's a philosophical problem instead of a person actually experiencing things that led her to be who she is is uncomfortable and making me realize what I'm doing here. Just being honest here, not looking for sympathy. I feel bad when I've caught myself thinking like this about Marky too, even if she's much different from Ken. I just don't want to do this anymore. Cheers. Pray I have the strength to stay away. And Ken I am sorry if you ever read the dehumanizing things I and other people posted. It's mostly for laughs.