tinker 11/26/2023 (Sun) 15:33 No.39777 del
kek you guys r rlly desperate for me to be a liar. ive even talked abt this in this thread when i said
>i have at my community college recently, but i havent made any friends there cuz im quiet the entire time and they probably think im weird. idc tho bc they go cool places and thats why im there

>over socialized
made me kek so hard, i didnt interact w a single male irl until i ran away on my 18th birthday
>You can't be a normie and be lonely.
i dont even consider myself a normie, bc i cant connect to the people i see as normies, but if u think normies cant be lonely then ur stuck in th idea that only people like you can possibly ever be lonely. i kindof understand cuz when i was completely isolated i didnt understand why anyone who goes to high school and socializes with people at all irl would be lonely, but the reality is everyone is human
>All to scam poor males.
>maybe he doesn't want to be close to you because you whore yourself to internet strangers on discord for validation?
talking abt sexual stuff doesnt mean im "whoring myself out", that would be sending nudes to people or sexting. and its not like im on this board to get people to fall in love w me, i only came here to defend myself bc people like you shit talk me on a thread that has my face plastered all over it.

>you decide to waste your time on other people? Specifically randoms online?
when u search my face on something like pimeyes, this thread is all that comes up. so im trying to clear up the shitty things ppl say abt me here, thats it.

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