Anonymous 02/15/2024 (Thu) 18:47 No.49563 del
You meme and all, but to be honest it kills me inside to think of Audrey being in that position, thrusting and humping doing such an absolutely degenrate and degrading thing. It's like her whole integrity or dignity or whatever you wanna call it died right there (assuming she hadn't done something equally fucked up before).

I knew her back when she was a cute, loveable girl, christian, was disgusted by drugs or sex even, spoke in a very cute and shy voice, she seemed too beautiful for this world, what the fuck happened? How do you go from what she used to be to someone capable of doing *this*?
Asking seriously, how the fuck did this happen? Was it college? Was it the fallout of her mom dying and her whoring out being some sort of release or fucked up way of dealing with her loss? Was it her daddy issues, and if so how could they make her become this?