Anonymous 02/25/2024 (Sun) 01:33 No.51128 del
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I have this weird theory that iris is actually a psychopath and owns a black fembot discord server.
>does not like to talk to robots on dms but keeps making threads on r9k everyday
>non virgin but refuses to post nudes
>always shilling herself on r9k and agatha2 because she wants to become popular
>samefagging cunt
>faked her own death
>hates white e-girls
>posts WMBF shit on r9k
>smokes weed
>larps as lonely but had many guys chasing her on the past
>samefags as orbitors
>tries to look younger using contacts but accuses other girls of being pedropanders (she had beef with pukara)
>wants to become a fucking e-celeb but has no personality
>is actually mean as fuck but larps as a victim
>always woe is me every day
>asked anons to murder her (does not consider the feelings of her sister or mother)

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