Anonymous 03/01/2024 (Fri) 11:19 No.51963 del

Literally every normal heterosexual man is attracted to teenage girls.

It is fucking normal to like/be attracted to sexually mature young girls with boobs curves who also bleed and have the ability to give birth.

If you deny it, you are most likely a faggot.

Back in my day there were many teen girls who dated older men and the family was okay with it and didn't care if they knew the guy personally.

But nowadays everyone is so fucking paranoid that even a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old or a 19-year-old with a 32-year-old even though she is an adult are both now considered pedro.

Political correctness has ruined western society with this all men are bad and believe all women PC bullshit which btw Ashley never showed any evidence of those creepy emails she was getting but people believe her because she is a woman.

I guarantee if Ashley was a male, you hypocritical niggers would not be coming to her defense you would be making fun of her hating on her and bullying her.

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