Anonymous 03/02/2024 (Sat) 17:21 No.52170 del
>i never said i couldnt handle it
No, but you said you don't enjoy a single second of having to disprove rumours.
And let's be honest, a good 3/4 of the posts in this thread (or any other e-girl thread really) are people either making up rumours, spreading rumours or calling you bad things.

>i dont want to seem like im lying.
Anons make up their minds immediately.
Any anon here who thinks you are a bad person, will forever think that, no matter what you post.

>there is someone clearly wrong with them, and even more if they keep coming to the thread after this.
Yeah and they feed off the attention you give them.

>i cant be unwelcome
This is not about being welcome or unwelcome.

>dont make shit up when i can easily disprove it.
Anons will keep making shit up.

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