Anonymous 03/03/2024 (Sun) 23:50 No.52293 del
she's an e-girl, and she's not really any different than any other e-girls. her main flaw is her "autism", she treats this e-girl shit like a game where you can farm "pleasure points" while also lacking a "theory of mind", during her peak on r9k she was combining opioids, nudes and dming guys to max out that pleasure, it felt good, but she went too far and got overwhelmed and needed to get out. her lack of a "theory of mind" is also why so many people dislike her, cause she doesn't know how she affects the people she dms when she does this kind of stuff, and also doesn't realize that enticing guys with your e-girl personality AND dming them at the same time is a dumb combo, especially when she isn't being honest about her intentions.