Anonymous 03/06/2024 (Wed) 20:54 No.52874 del
Lol, lmao even

stop feigning ignorance and changing the subject, it's not about her kinky sex but the fact she is a manipulative psycho that abused everyone she comws in contact with. She skinned animals and lost her composure here publicly. With the way her simps talk it would not be surprising if they are also from her telegram group, more self obsessed people who think they are better than everyone and condescend you while defending sociopaths, their leader is a wife beater for Christ's sake (something they also think they are better than you for pretending to believe in). The whole argument of blaming her ex for outing her like he was the one who is mentally ill is so ridiculous too, on par with how she can't even say anything original to defend herself so she just copied her ex's accusations. Why is her self produced screen shot of her triangling her ex's friend while not showing ANYTHING damning about him count as this big own?