Anonymous 03/07/2024 (Thu) 09:43 No.52942 del
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>Has everyone born after 2000 has adopted world views of a grumpy old hall monitor lady with immense desire to ban rock music and violent games for satanism?

Pretty much the new generation has been brainwashed by identity politics.

>How come modern youth is no more on the edge, no more humorous and chaotic?

It is because of the current pc culture of oh you can't do that or oh you can't say that you will hurt my gay friends' feelings or because i am a mam in a male body.

Teens have not been edgy since 2016.

Leafy was the last bastion of youth edginess after that they all became a bunch of politically correct pussies.

>Liking 15-year-old girls with sizeable tits is somehow pedrophilia now.

I know retarded isn't it?

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