Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 02:44 No.53278 del
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Welp, I just found out about Audrey's recent drama last week after I stumbled upon some pics I'd saved long ago as I was dusting off an old ass hard drive, which made me remember her which in turn led me to the rabbit hole we are now after I wanted to know what had become of her. Guess I'll just share since I've got nowhere else to dump them to lmao but for what it's worth, I'd just like to say that I agree with the common sentiment that it's sad to see what she's become even if her circumstances weren't the best even at the time I saved these. Personally I'd like these photos to serve as some kind of testament to what I've seen some anons say regarding how innocent and 'pure' she was, which I totally agree couldn't have been faked. I might have more elsewhere but I'd have to check, and idk if old pics are of any worth at all anyway, but at least they can be archived here in her dedicated thread.