Anonymous 03/09/2024 (Sat) 22:04 No.53425 del
(74.14 KB 716x891 Jay ciara 7.jpg)
(88.17 KB 720x716 Ciara kissing jay.jpg)
(100.99 KB 720x897 Jay ciara 8.jpg)
Jay lived the dream many users on agatha2 would like to had, being Ciara's boyfriend. Sure marc and JT have had sex with her but one night stands for drugs arent love. Jay spent christmas, birthdays , went to various dates with ciara , had sleepovers with her , has cute selfies togheter, she visited his house many times etc... He had a true bond with the girl you guys keep talking about and he truly knows how she felt and was at some point loved by him. They even roleplayed their hamsters were their babies.
They might seem kinda autistic and crackhead
-like but it does not matter looks are not everything plus they are imageboard users and had depression so it makes sense why they looked like that.