Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 22:34 No.54582 del
Literally every girl who posts themselves onto image boards or gets posted by others against their will onto image boards receives more harassment than they do adoration. If your goal is to be an idoru, then hanging around places known for pedrophilia, racism, and so on isn't going to help you. It is actively tainting your image. You come across as a special ed failure hanging around here thinking it's gonna make you famous. All it will do is make people doxx you, argue about how ugly they think you are every day, invade your privacy, lie about you, and call you a damaged goods whore as you panic and frantically try to reframe the narrative in your favor. That's the life of an e-girl. You're an object whether they like you or not. You should have known better. The only reason you get even a sliver of positive attention is because some of these men enjoy getting reactions from you and derive a sense of control from having an effect on you. Even they will end up hating you, as they have every other e-girl they once "liked," because inevitably something will trigger them and their idealized illusion of you will shatter, and you will be the one blamed.

You are not going to be famous, especially if your first thought to get famous is to post here. Posting here is not going to get you money and out of your household. No one here, or on discord, is your friend. Go to community college with financial aid. Your entire sense of self-worth comes from how people here react to you, and you spend every waking moment curating your personality around pleasing them and seeming "good." You're already killing yourself. You don't have to.