Anonymous 03/14/2024 (Thu) 23:18 No.54606 del
>it's obvious the "seething roastie whores from lolcow" or whatever clearly aren't jealous
No, she really is just jealous and angry that these girls get more attention than her. This is the person who wrote the long hate posts among other things, she made this thread on r9k and that's how she ended up here:
Someone directed her to this board:
>what can I do when an e-whore takes over my thread that isn't even related to e-whores? For example, that one slut with the big ass mole on her chin took over 2 of my vocaroo threads that were going really well, people were having fun, singing, complimenting each other and then these whores come around and all the attention goes towards them and anyone else who posts gets ignored
Literally seething about them getting more attention than her.
>they definitely don't hate Ika either. It's obvious they are trying to prevent her from digging herself into the same hole that Marky and Ciara did. All of their posts, even the rude ones, are an attempt at steering her away from here for her own benefit
Yeah, dude, they clearly just want the best for her:
>I'm fucking tired of these cunts and their simps. I wish the simps would at least be man enough to murder the sluts and then be put in jail so the board gets fucking cleansed for once. Also in the now dead thread, someone suggested I could groom them, but instead of posting their info on here where they would like the attention they'll get from it, I should share their whore shit with their families, friends and jobs