Anonymous 03/20/2024 (Wed) 02:12 No.56799 del
Once upon a time, a young boy named David, who was a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, set out on an adventure with his three favorite foods - potatoes, carrots, and eggs. Armed with a backpack full of these ingredients and the love and support of his chosen family, he ventured into the enchanted forest in search of a legendary ass stuffing contest. Along the way, he encountered talking animals who embraced and celebrated his true self, joining him on his quest and using their unique skills to help him overcome obstacles. When they arrived at the contest, David fearlessly showcased his creativity and talent, stuffing his ass not only impressed the judges but also inspired others to embrace diversity and acceptance. As he stood proud and victorious, surrounded by his loving friends and allies, they celebrated their triumph with a joyful feast, honoring the beauty of unity and inclusion under the starry sky.