Anonymous 10/29/2021 (Fri) 14:12:02 No.5681 del
>you're vastly underestimating the importance of social pressure
If people are working due to social pressure, they're not WANTING to work, which is the entire point in that anon's argument. And even still, what if people are pressured and still dont want to work?
>people mostly behave according to the rules because one of the main drives for individual behavior is the need of acceptance and belonging
That's retarded. People should follow rules because that's what's correct and morally right to do. Not because of the social consequences of not following them.
>(sewer cleaner job) you wouldn't
So who cleans the sewers? Unless you have scat fetishists, nobody's going to ENJOY working as a sewer cleaner, meaning that since everyone's needs are met, nobody's going to actually want to clean sewers.
>a better chance of a dignified, gratifying and peaceful existence to most people, and not just to a greedy elite
So again what you want isnt communism, it's the same capitalism, but with better work and living conditions. Again, you'd get much more support if you just said that.
>you thought you were so much smarter than those pathetic, idealistic lefties but, alas, the dream is over.
Pure projection on your part. I literally just asked questions, you're the one trying to make things personal.

So to summarize your points:
1. People who dont want to work would be socially pressured into working. (Which isnt even guaranteed to make them work)
2. In an ideal communist society, there wouldnt be anyone to clean sewers, or do similarly difficult jobs.
Gotta say, dude. The inability to solve simple societal issues combined with the "educate yourself" and smug prick leftist attitude, isnt convincing me of communism.

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