Anonymous 04/04/2024 (Thu) 11:29 No.61804 del

that video is beautiful. in earlier threads people already deep faked her on porn. porn deep fakes in US are now sort of ummm not best idea.

people have cloned her voice to do the, Just the two of us, song.

In my head i visualize the order rn as sort of:

1. deep fake vids / audio (done)
2. Ai gen pics (mostly done)

3. Ai Actor vids: ciara pic / face / voice: making a brand new video, impossible to tell its not her. this is still kind of a cutting edge tec , but possible

4. build an Ai, based on Archive, that believes its her. Problem on this is would need to be web based, for now.

5. ^#4 moves to could be based on a device at home, Ai LLM s based a persons individual device is close, year or two.

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