Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 23:21 No.62643 del
yeah she was nice to me in the beginning and she invited me first fora bit while my family had it's own problems, that was kind of why she offered too. But I do think most of it was trauma bonding and that i kind of did have mommy issues since she was also abusive. I kind of did need her validation more than being treated normally. Also she had problems that I seemed to help her with so it felt like growing pains, sorta. she told my parents I was a good influence on her in the begging but then at the end would complain so here we are again

Everything was so fast and I didn't plan or marrying her but I think she kept me around because I didn't fight back

Youre completely right, I am definitely a pathetic loser for staying so I can't defend myself really, I just dont think it was still fair for her to treat me like that, but again I did let her so I can't play victim. The plan was to leave after a couple months when college started back up for both of us but then you get comfortable. I want to say I would have had enough self respect to leave if I did find out then if she was cheating or physically abusive