Anonymous 04/19/2024 (Fri) 01:32 No.64532 del
Probably to make things with.

Starting to realize almost everyone on this board is a yuppie and hasn't been around hunting irl and talked to the people who do it. I am personally against all forms of hunting and try to not eat meat ever because I don't like the idea of animals dying, but I imagine most anons malding over this don't think twice when they're handed a burger or wear leather. If it offends you so much, maybe stop eating meat, because there's no actual difference between the end result of Audrey's actions and the shit you eat. The real difference between the two is that Audrey doesn't delude herself by dissociating what's on her plate and where it came from, unlike most people who eat meat. You'd flinch and get nauseous at videos of cute animal necks being met with huge bucher's knives but still keep eating meat because you separate the two in your mind. If anything, what Audrey does is significantly more sustainable and honest than eating storebought meat.

There are far better things to criticize Audrey for than this.