Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 16:06 No.65348 del
Yeah he was the ricel from Colorado who touched her boob while that were both high, I wanted to watch red line once and she said I reminded her of him since at that point she already said how I'm a similar archetype to him and similar people because I liked mushrooms and psychology again, which to preface, isn't a huge part of my personality. She likes making you feel guilty and ashamed and uses emotional blackmail like silent treatments and just arguing in general to get what she wants which is never enough. I never had an online presence like those guys though so idk maybe she was kind of reaching which is why we didn't work out so well.

Would make sense, they would constantly make fun of her and disrespect her in that chat so maybe that's why they did and why she stayed even though they called her a stupid woman every time she talked

I figured but I didn't plan on staying that long but it's not like it wasn't obvious, I think she gets away with so much because most people don't have the time and energy to call her out for every little thing