Anonymous 04/25/2024 (Thu) 16:59 No.65360 del
Cluster B's are fundamentally hollow so I think that's why she jumps from one thing to the next, she does it all for external validation. I think I gave her more attention than I should have but I also suspect she might have gone and might still into abusive relationship because of her self destructive tendencies. She said she didn't take edibles and drink a lot but she had multiple bottles and she would tell me stories of getting drunk and playing in the mud in the park and having a park ranger confront her, she also likes to drink and drive. She likes risk taking and pushing boundaries. She would complain when we would go on walks that I would ignore her, which first of all she's such a liar because she said she likes silence but then can't comprehend that I have my own thoughts independent of her. Her family, idk how to express it but self awareness seems to be in short supply in this part of the world in general, her dad inherited wealth and now fully exploits it and has the attitude of a millionaire, the kind where he doesn't have to worry about consequences and how people think about him and I think it rubbed off on her. She's told me she doesn't feel like she owes anyone anything which is partly fair but with her she's an asshole and not someone's trying to hide away in society. Back the to drugs, she did try shrooms because of me and with them they kind of make you more vulnerable and open basically, nothing special but with her she never opened up and still was angry a couple times on them which was crazy, when drunk she was an even bigger douche and it felt like thats how she wants to be all the time but only gets the excuse then. Can't say anything bad about her and the edibles. I wouldn't be surprised that she used to be normal like other people said but she was so disingenuous, fake, and did so much in bad faith I can't really say anything great when the standard is so low. We had nice moments but they were in the beginning when I would take her on dates and she would be too stand off-ish to know she can get away with being a dick to me. I feel like she planned out so much by knowing that I was vulnerable and easy to use

It was fine, it was pretty vanilla, I shouldn't have ever brought it up

That's still doxxing