vamp 05/19/2024 (Sun) 11:54 No.68757 del
>you women just have a blunted sense of aesthetics
Aesthetics are not entirely objective but rather subjective. The beauty of objects depends on the beholder, as aesthetics are perceptions of art. This implies that aesthetics are an abstract concept, varying from person to person.
Take an example brutalist architecture. Many people hate it and find the building depressing and dystopian while the other side finds beauty in them since a few just love melancholic art. Everything comes from perception, the mind of humans is diverse and not alike even If we are connected in some way or another.
From a study I checked it sajd that cultural factors also influence our aesthetic appreciation on a neurological and behavioral level which means I understand If you find arcylic nails to be ugly since women and men have completely different taste in aesthetic and culture.

>Everything is cope and then we die.
Ermm well I am going to agree with you on that. To keep ourselves alive we cope with the fact we were thrown in this world and we try to survice with our resources. The cope is there is no absolute or obkective meaning in life, we deal with the absurd by making our own meaning so we keep on living instead of killing ourselves.
>You can't stop progress, you as a marxist should understand this
Porn is not and will neved be progress. The porn industy is a bourgeois industry that as every other capitalist institution will be abolished during the DOTP. Its extremely reactonary and cause regress in the mind of people. You can do better, you are not free just lying to yourself.
>because women are the gatekeepers of sex
The world is not ruled by women, silly! Martiarchialism is not real and those who rule everything are biological men!
>google sexual scandals in leftist parties
I did, nothing appeared. But you know the Democratic Party of the US is no where close to being leftist. Sexual scandals are more popular onto nazi cultist satanist clubs or along libertarians.
Why can people be logical for once or atleast read what I say before believing something debunked several years ago?
That screenshot is edited by someone who wanted to do me dirty but looks like he didnt fail making people believe that since he knew the audience is dumb asf.

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