vamp 05/22/2024 (Wed) 21:41 No.69056 del
To be honest, I don't hold strong opinions about Hoxha because it's difficult to know whom to trust,considering the amount of propaganda haunting Albania. There is propaganda from both sides, making it challenging to form an unbiased perspective. Not enough time has passed for historians to evaluate this period impartially and autonomously, as many current arguments are still influenced by emotions and biases regarding Albania during the "communist regime".
Anti-communist Albanians believe that Enver Hoxha is the reason we are held 100 years back and those people clearly lack logic and historical interpretation. You ask why? The answer is easy considering Albanians past. We have never been truly indepedent, but rather a puppet state or occupied by others. Never had anything of our own like scientists, historians, geographs etc because we werent allowed to be schooled cuz that would cause revolts and a wise nation knows how to fight the occupators.
Since Enver Hoxha came to power, his goal was to improve conditions for the people, as the economy was devastated by the wars Albania had endured. He built industries, ensured full employment, provided housing for everyone, and established numerous schools, making education compulsory. Schools at that time taught practical skills, such as activities useful in daily life and even basic medical care for wartime. These are just a few examples of the many initiatives he undertook to improve the country.
There are cons about him tho, a tons of them. When the Yugoslav communist federative commited the Tivar massacre they acted as If didnt happen since the communist party of Albania was founded by Yugoslavs and at that time they were also holding diplomatic terms with them.
Also, he killed alot of other communists and thats because he was power hungry and thought they would steal is frone since people would show more sympathy for them.
Tbh I dont know what to believe about that time. My history teacher said that his father was sent to "gulag"because he was a teacher dueing Enver's times and hit a child because they were being annoying while I hear alot of people saying "uh oh communism bad cuz in Envers time they hit children in school!!!"
As for Tito, my opinions are clear. He is an anglo-american puppet that has nothing to do with communism. Mixing Market with socialism is very silly
> do you think how you see yourself is how other people view you? Do you think other people must find you ugly without saying it?
Obviously, yes and you wanna know why I think the way how I do? Basically, other people are our hell. We create our image of ourselves by what people have in mind of us. However, some will say "What If I have never recieved opinions from others about me". Well then your perceptions of yourselfs depends on the media you consume and what it teaches you about who is a good person or bad one. Our perceptions of ourselves starts since we are children when parents educate us on what to do or not. By then we question are we bad or good people by what parents tell us. So if my parents teached me that cursing is bad and loving is good then Id analyse myself based on those things personality alike. So if I am a loving person and i dont curse then i would categorize myself as a "good"person. But if anothers persons parents teached (hypothetically speaking) them that
Cursing is good and loving is bad then that person if he cuses and hates everyone around him he would also think hes a good person (lets just pretend thats the only knowledge they can obtain)
So basically I wanted to prove that the reason I think I am ugly is because I have been told so all my childhood and even my friends would avoid complimenting me or anything. People would avoid me at all costs. Today, not many comments on my looks thats because teenagers arent as honest as children but I still can tell I am ugly by what men prefer on girls and what they dont.
Sorry Idk how to explain this better I have a poor vocabulary so Its hard to put my imagination onto words, I apologize for this