vamp 05/28/2024 (Tue) 20:49 No.69825 del
>even left-leaning women still uphold men to their traditional standards
Not denying this since you are right, but not every leftist woman want a dominant traditional conservative man and thats for sure. Everyone has different preferences because we are all seperate people, no shit?!
>modern-day woman
Define modern-day woman?
>Once I began seeing women vote for people who claimed to have their best interest at heart and then put in place policies that harms their communities, I decided a people who vote based on feelings or "egalitarianism", shouldn't be voting
If you're advocating against women's rights on the basis of political illiteracy, you must also contend with the fact that political illiteracy is a universal issue affecting all demographics, including men.
Emotional arguments are universal and its a thing infecting my own country but for completely different reasons from yours. Anyways, besides that don't ever think voting will make any significant change where you are. All politicians are shit, its like you are going to choose between Moloth or Satan.
If we consider revoking rights based on the potential for negative behavior, we must also acknowledge that men have historically been responsible for the majority of violence, genocide, mass massacres and men are just degenerates by nature even though we are the only ones who get blamed for our "degeneracy" when women barely act on their sexual urges. Why are there only derogatory terms for women as it comes to her sexual relationships such as "whore" "bop" "hoe" "slut" when its men are the ones who make up most of sexual crimes. However, such generalizations are harmful and ignore the essential contributions that men make to society, including their roles in society and their importance in the work field.
Anyways culture wars are dumb asf
I don't have a boyfriend, stop lying. If I had one, I wouldn't be here talking with yall