Anonymous 06/02/2024 (Sun) 01:59 No.70286 del
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no she wasn't trolling i promise! i cropped out my messages but the "drink water" part relates to what i said before.

the narrative that bianca was some ~super evil mean girl~ is so warped and it makes me really sad. a lot of the screenshots shared after her death portrays her in a really negative and unfair way. those interactions lack context and yeah idk man. it's just not accurate.

she would use men for attention / affection (she told me this) but those men were using her as well. i feel like she was so accustomed to the dynamic of both parties using each other that she didn't recognize how infatuated brandon was with her.

i'm not trying to whiteknight. i just find it strange how so many people view her as this horrible person when that's so far from the truth.

bianca was much nicer to girls than she was to guys lol. as a girl who spoke with her regularly, i can confirm this.