Anonymous 06/06/2024 (Thu) 20:15 No.70785 del
It's been a week or so now, it's about time for me to leave
You people have really disappointed me
Neither have you been fun nor provocative
Those who shouldn't be here are here and you should feel shame, but there's always hope, so get your ass off huh
The rest of you limp dick slack jawed faggot, I've really got nothing for ya, get a life huh cuz really there's nothing else in life than that of life itself
Cute huh

I'm writing my newest book and this little adventure into our old realm has been insightful
It might actually bring up something important later and I'll thank you for that
I thank you people for being such losers, good on you
I thank you aswell BO, I hope I wasn't such a pain in the ass, if I was forgive me huh
I hope you're an oldfag or atleast not a faggot so you know what I'm going on about
If you were here the entire time and didn't shut me down good on you, if you were on vacation and hadn't eh slightest, good on me for that damn timing huh
Either way, I mean no disrespect

To everyone on this board I wish you people only the best so you could relies your own potential, e-whores are nice to look at sometimes but real talk my friends what do you get huh
A boot in the ass when you finally come to terms with their whorish behaviors, or atleast accept em

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