Anonymous 06/07/2024 (Fri) 03:49 No.71023 del
Kek you'd be surprised to know "her side" of things. Just to be clear im not the guy you're replying to.
Some things she downplays (meaning that she lies as to not damage her already shitty reputation further), some other things she admits to but claims to be embarrassed about, and a few other things she will act hurt and regretful for but it's all bullshit. You should listen to her pathetic copes for a good kek. Like she's said she has an "understanding" with God and that's why she doesn't feel as remorseful when she's out sucking the dick of some dude she just met or taking it up the ass by a random incel she offered her holes to. She has many of those copes, it's really funny stuff.