Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 19:57 No.72084 del
(240.78 KB 641x840 cant_touch_that.jpg)
>why do you like girls who can't even go out without parent's permission?
>says a grown ass woman who can't go out without government's permission
plenty of "adults" are dependent on their parents

hell, for majority of human history children were dependent on their parents far into their adulthood, it was literally the biggest part of the whole patriarchy/matriarchy shtick

>seems like you just want to prey on those without much life experience
lol, you think I have much life experience?

it is precisely because I have little life experience that I can relate to teenage girls more

>i have a fantasy of meeting a guy of age with similar interests and personality, why do moids here not want this too?
because women "of age" represent everything I hate about people and society