Anonymous 06/11/2024 (Tue) 22:57 No.72105 del
>they didn't do anything to save Ciara
Couldn't be further from the truth. Admittedly they should have realized that their daughter was a lost cause without hardcore restrictions but they tried to give her a little freedom like everyone deserves, but Ciara abused that freedom any chance she could get. They sent her to several mental hospitals when she would have breakdowns, they set her up with psychiatrists and therapists, they spoke with her school to try to make sure she would succeed. They'd restrict her internet access but Ciara was good at pretending to be better and would repeat everything behind their backs and as we all know she was a good liar.

She was actually doing pretty well once she became an adult after moving in with Jay and her parents could no longer control her, but once she relapsed and cheated on Jay it all came tumbling down once and for all. Her parents could have done a lot better but her death isn't their fault. She was a fully grown adult at the time of her death and made all those decisions on her own.