Anonymous 06/16/2024 (Sun) 12:55 No.73217 del
“we did it Reddit!” tier cringe and here’s why

doesn’t matter if it was in PA. and you’d know that if you weren’t disagreeing at a surface level for the sake of being contrarian.

you’re more than welcome to arbitrarily request additional records though if you think you have a point to make or proof to get. it’s free. i’ll do half of the work for you, even. here’s the contact for the Philadelphia ME office:

send them a request. that’s all you need to do. it’s that easy. google “FOIA death record” and you can probably find a template already written for you. or if you’re really an exceptionally lazy and stupid fuck, copy and paste the request in the image posted here. we’ll see you in a month after they respond. surely, you’d be willing to spend as much time writing the copy and paste email to send to the contact i just spoonfed you, equal to the amount of time you spend in this forum pushing goalposts.

otherwise you’re just talking out of your ass. so far there’s one tangible piece of evidence here, none of it being provided by people saying she’s dead. because apparently it’s easier to just say “nuh uh guys” for years instead of actually doing the least amount of work so you can pretend she’s dead as opposed to the unimaginable horror that is the fact that she moved on from this depressing shitpit and never really gave a fuck to begin with. which, again, good for her.

yeah bros you’ve really fallen off your A game, you totally for real being super serious would have, like, had that hotel name, man! can’t imagine why. probably because for some reason the minimum amount of effort is an olympian task. there’s your how-to guide, anything beyond this is an excuse. good luck.