Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 06:44 No.74671 del
Black men, as members of a marginalized and oppressed class, can not "harass" white women, who are their oppressors and have institutional power over them. i think this is something that is rather self-evident and that most would agree with. and of course we have to consider here the long history of white women using their status and the sexual anxieties of their white male counterparts to criminalize Black male expression, and how this is used by whites to maintain their dominance as a class; to not consider and account for this is to reify racist tropes that contribute to keeping Blacks in their current position, subjugated to their white oppressors. indeed, i think all would agree that a marginalized and downtrodden class has a right to strike back against their persecutors in what ever way they see fit; viewed through this lens the actions taken by some of those who appear in the film should be seen as a legitimate form of protest. and it is not for the comfortable and unafflicted to say otherwise.