Anonymous 06/25/2024 (Tue) 06:41 No.75446 del
>Catholic tradlarp
She literally went to catholic all-girls school so its not a larp.

>Now that she doesn't want internet attention she wasnts irl attention by cosplaying
Also shes always been into dressing up and cosplaying, even since during and before her time on discord and 4chan.

>Pretend to care about /mu/core
If you look at the likes of her RYM she's been into /mu/core stuff like Swans since she was 15.

It checks out that random newfags on this board wouldn't actually bother to read up on an egirls history, that would be too much work. It's almost like you fags want vapid whores who just post nudes and reject girls with actual hobbies and personalities. I don't doubt that her morals have slipped as she drinks now and probably even smokes or does some normie drugs but that kind of experimentation in college is expected at what? She's like 20 now