VAMP 06/26/2024 (Wed) 05:28 No.75674 del
ALSO As a communist, I don't owe any of you sex. I am a virgin and will stay that way until I find the right person. Just because my political beliefs support public property doesn't mean I am public property. Stop watching porn, which profits from the addictions of incels and the degradation of women. Stop financing them for the sake of the next generation (not that past generations were any less degenerate, despite what traditionalists may claim).

Not all communists are egalitarians, as everyone seems to misunderstand due to socialist realism propaganda. Marx argued that advocating for equal pay in one dimension can lead to inequality in other dimensions since it would be unfair to "pay" the same to people who have the same ability but work different amounts.
I really wish we could turn this into a comfy thread away from drama. Wouldn't it be better if we were just nice to each other and talked about random stuff or even vented?
(drawing is inspired by aspie chan, also don't mind apu apustaja I made a mistake while drawing him. I like sketching for fun silly things)