Anonymous 06/27/2024 (Thu) 10:40 No.75998 del
>It's not my fault that you've got rejected and I am sorry for that..
You're not sorry. You reject me too. 😭

>Older women aren't ugly inside-out they've gone through alot and age like fine wine.
Yea, they've gone thru a lot of Chads lol.

You don't know them vampy, they are jaded mercantile bitches with an IQ of a dog.

>Do you not see the hypocrisy, really?
What hypocrisy? I like young girls for who they are.

>if you're in that position, you're not an incel
Cope. Betabux is an incel too - women don't want him, there is no passion.

Haags want commitment from incels, while being okay with sharing fuckboys in their youth.

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