Anonymous 06/29/2024 (Sat) 19:24 No.76910 del
You're wrong and insane. I spent like a year and a half just trying to get you to leave me alone and out of your bullshit. You did everything in your power to make me hate you, and I do, but I just wish you left me the fuck alone. You keep making up fucking stories about me and I get to hear it from other people all the wacko rumors you spread, NONE of which are true.
I just want you to LEAVE ME ALONE LMAO! I tried to be nice to you and even be your friend after your 2 year long fucking meltdown and all you ever do is take every single opportunity to shit on me, so you can get it right back. By the way this is only my second comment on this shithole of a website, so if someone really is impersonating me like you claim (even though I've told you DIRECTLY that I never doxxed you or impersonated anyone and you told your entire server that I was fine)
You have a weird fucking fixation on me okay? If you had just stopped making me your scapegoat for an enemy every single time you and I would have never had a problem and even still been friends. But you went out of your way from the very beginning to make me hate you and I still don't understand why