Anonymous 07/01/2024 (Mon) 06:15 No.77117 del
Ya know, I'm kinda getting tired of this whole victimhood oppression shit. I've been hearing it for 20+ years now and they just keep repeating the same shit over and over.
>why this woman-shaped-thing has its body on display
Woman shows off her body in public, people stare, she thinks they're bad for staring. (She secretly wants them to stare)
>and what else can they to do deter them from this threat to their own commodified places of value in the sexual marketplace but join in on the humiliation from an alternate angle, insisting that she is secretly a man?
Women shit on other women, but that's actually men's fault. Typical women dodging accountability.
>people proposition her for sex. she does not react. this angers them
>people grab at her genitals. she does not react. this angers them
>people succeed in pushing her face-first onto the concrete
There feminists go again fantasizing about getting raped or sexually assaulted, or about rough sex.
>because in run-of-the-mill pornography, women are not seen as human (by neither collaborators nor consumers)
No, retard. Dudes just wanna jerk off. Again, this whole "dehumanization" thing is just a fetish in feminists' heads. Same for the "power dynamics".
Also, I don't wanna hear about "dehumanization" or "sexualization" from the people who dress like sluts.
>she was treated how they had always secretly wanted to treat her anyway
The fucking irony. Pure projection.

I find the whole "get laid loser" line of insults to be retarded, but honestly, how many feminists would become normal people if they just got dicked properly and had all their weird tastes satisfied?

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