cewl 07/03/2024 (Wed) 10:11 No.77371 del
last reply with cewl wasnt me... lol.

yes!! but i love lactose. also suboxone makes me constipated so they kinda balance out. (they dont i fight for my life and poop pnce in 3 days)
they are imported, the labels are english but ingredients are printed in turkish, some imported goods have separate turkish labels slapped on them. theyre more expensive but turkish ppl dont know how to make peanut butter.
also whats wrong with UHT
sure, what kind?
youre right. i should be putting more effort, i have time to do everything but i dont do anything i simply just lay in bed all day. im sorry for letting you guys down...
we had someone go there for erasmus and she brought it and some chocolate :3