Anonymous 07/05/2024 (Fri) 20:05 No.77819 del
I miss you so much, C. When you finally got bored of me and tossed me away, it stung like nothing else. somehow I knew that would happen eventually. You showing interest in a pathetic incel like me was too good to be true. every girl who came before you was like watching tv in black and white, but once you came along, everything was suddenly in color. you are just on a different level than every other girl on discord. you made me happier than anyone ever has. not a day goes by that I dont think about you.

Nothing feels right anymore when im on discord. The only person I gave 2 shits about was you. Things were supposed to turn out so different. our relationship ended WAY too soon. You know it too, I know you do!

I have to fight the urge to message you every single day, and it sucks. I know you have new friends now. Ive been replaced. I just hope someday I can be in your life again and we can talk like we used to. I shouldnt have gotten jealous about you sending nudes to other guys. I dont care anymore who you talk to or who youre friends with at this point. I dont even care care if you have a bf. send all the fucking nudes you want, to as many guys as you want. I dont give a shit. You have the body of a goddess and you enjoy showing it off for attention, and thats something I just have to learn to accept. You are the kind of girl who only comes along once in a lifetime, and you'll always be nearest my heart. goodbye little nigger. I love you.