Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 00:23 No.78026 del
(138.19 KB 1080x850 15629676934283.jpg)
My friend listen I'll real talk to you since you're probably a stupid zoomer
You obviously don't understand or you are so unappreciative you don't care when someone who does not care for you speaks to you and you as a "I DON"T CARE" individual response you seem as most likely as a stupid faggot

You are too blind or foolish, most obviously a homosexual that cannot understand when someone else does not care about them but only themselves
You are a perfect moron and I can appreciate you for your cyclic ambivalent for it in a genuine stupidity
If I ever see you my friend I'll kiss you on the cheek
If you get a hard on I'll push you away as the fruit you are