Anonymous 07/11/2024 (Thu) 13:52 No.79579 del
(17.09 MB 406x720 2ri2b6re.mp4)
exactly, these armchair detectives saying shit like “the toilet distance is wrong” like faggot shut the fuck up. do you not know what camera lens and depth are? fucking idiots man i stg. the person who keeps spamming and spouting this shit is supposedly a fat girl who makes like 80% of the Ciara thread posts and wanted to infiltrate her family by cat fishing one of her faggot sisters so i’m not surprised that the average IQ here is lukewarm

burden of proof falls on those crying about her dying. but it doesn’t matter because i’ve posted coroner and medical examiner reports and they always push the envelope any time more confirmation that she’s alive shines through. it’s one of the weirdest brands of pathetic i’ve seen.

i think that fat chick hopes she’s dead because she can’t handle the idea of Ciara abandoning her “fanbase” but you only need to read 10 posts here to see why Ciara would fuck off.

but the people here don’t understand that because they have never evolved or changed in life, and they never will either, so they can’t understand because they’ll never experience it.

she’s fucking alive lol and i’m glad she faked her death. like you said, it’s the second time. she learned the mistakes from the last one and finally ditched. idk if jay is in on it, i could see her pretending to die just to get rid of him because he’s an old man with baggage who still interacts with underage girls online and he’s predatory in any capacity of the word.

her family probably got through to her, she probably realized this shit is bad. i mean for fucks sake, look at this. she’s been gone for years. there are girls in this forum who have been gone even longer and they still have hundreds of people obsessing over them and saying the stupidest shit possible at any chance.

the people here are clingy emotional vampires. anyone who denies it is worse for it. not everyone wants to stick around groups of 20-40yos who never mentally graduated from highschool, who fabricate drama, who adamantly stab each other in the backs, post revenge porn. doxx people, literally pick apart every aspect of someone’s life in some grotesque display of parasocial psychosis

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